We create smart cities and platforms

Make your current activities easier with future solutions. Improve your daily lifestyle as part of the Go Platform.

IOT - Internet of things

By connecting a number of physical devices around the world to the Internet, the IoT - Internet of Things influences rapid collection and sharing of data and enables direct communication between people, processes, and things.

A platform that offers IoT solutions

In seven branches that encompass all dimensions of the Smart City concept, Go Platform unites and realizes all the requirements of cities and the needs of its residents for IoT solutions.

Seven directions-the same goal

Go Platform Apps

Go Parking System represents the use of modern technological and communication solutions (sensors, cameras, concentrators, software solutions) for more efficient management of parking systems. Go Parking consists of SMS payment service and three interconnected applications: Go Parking Business, Go Parking Control and Go Parking.

An application that gives absolute control of your parking. It collects information, processes it in the system, and provides easy user management of the system and parking equipment. Go Pass represents the use of modern technological and communication solutions (sensors, cameras, concentrators, software solutions) for more efficient management of parking systems.